Top 5 Way to get More Traffic to Website or Blog

Top 5 Way to get More Traffic to Website or Blog

All we knows that the website which having more traffic can get good ranking in search engines such as Google,Yahoo,Bing etc.Also those websites that having a large number of daily, weekly or monthly visitors can make good trust in the eye of search engines.Mostly new blogger's do not know that how they can get traffic for their website to get a better ranking in search engines.So today i will share "Top 5 Way to get More Traffic to Website."By using this method you can easily make a good rank by getting extra daily unique visitors in your website or blog.Let's follow the below easy methods.

Also Read: How to Improve Alexa rank of Your website or Blog

1. Get Traffic By YouTube Videos

YouTube is the number one videos sharing website all over the world having Alexa rank # 2.It means this is the number 2 website that is most viewed all over the world.Daily millions peoples use YouTube for fun and entertainment.It means YouTube having billions number of pageviews daily basis.So, you can create your own YouTube channel and can upload videos in your channel.Just create a new channel and upload your own created videos in it.Always link your website in your videos description.
When a person will watch your video, he will also see your website link in your videos description and finally you will get a new visitor for your website,This way you can get thousand of daily new visitors for your website and also can get s strong backlink. So this is great way to get more rank and traffic for website.

2. Yahoo Answer

Yahoo is an well known and a popular website all over the world.It has Alexa Rank # 5.It means this is the 5th most viewed website all over the world.People use yahoo for email and also for chat and for getting solutions of their problems.Yahoo answers is basically a Platform where Individual Ask any Questions that can be answered by Many Individual Peoples.
You have to make an Yahoo account for you and find some questions that you can solve.Answer the questions that peoples post in Yahoo and always link your website below your answer.That will give you an strong backlink as well as a great number of new visitors for your website.You have to give just 10 minutes daily in Yahoo answer system for getting traffic by simply enter your answer for questions,

3. Get Traffic from Facebook

Facebook is an other best social media website that connect people all over the world.Facebook having alexa rank # 3.That means it's the world 3rd most viewed website that having daily billions of pageviews and millions of visitors.You can make your own Facebook page for your website and always share your website new post to your Facebook Page.This will gain your daily traffic and ranking in search engines.
Also you can share your website posts in other Facebook groups,pages, friends timelines,your own profile etc.This will cause more useful traffic for your website and you can get better ranking in search engines.

4. Get More visitors by Commenting other Blogs or Website

Doing comment to other website or blogs with your own website link can also gain website traffic and ranking.Search for similar topics that your own website contains and post your topic link in comment of other website or blog.By doing this you can get lots of new visitors and can get more ranking in other search engines also.Also by doing this work you can increase your website backlinks.A website having more backlinks can get better rank in Google and other search engines.So this will gain your traffic as well as your website rank.

5. Forum Posting

Forum posting is also a great work to get large number of new visitors for your website.Make a list for high ranked forums and high alexa ranked forums and create your own account is those forums.Post your new articles in these forums and link your articles with your own website or blog.This will cause more traffic for your own website or blog and can get better Alexa rank also Search engine rank.
You can also link your website in your profile of any forum.This will make a strong backlink for your website and you can increase your traffic by backlinks also.Also you can comment with the link of your website or blog in forums to gain your visitors.


Guys! these all methods are very simple and very effective to get more traffic for your website or blog.You can gain your Traffic,search engine ranking as well as Alexa ranking of your website by using these tricks.If you like this article, don't forgot to click on Facebook like button below this article.Also share this article with your friends.If anyone need any type of help don't hesitate to contact with me by commenting here or by send message to our Facebook Page.

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