Post Title, Permalinks and Search Description SEO Topic-8

Post Title, Permalinks and Search Description SEO Topic-8
When a person search for something in Google or other search engines,Search engines shows result in the base of Three major things.These three major things are Post Title, Permalinks and Search Description.It's very important for an good SEO post to set these three settings.

Must Read:Title and Description Settings SEO Topic-6

Post Title:

Name of Article or Post your provide in the Title of post setting is called post title.Post title is very important for search engine rank and for gain traffic.A focus keyword must add in title.


  • Use short and to the point title for post.
  • Should be under 50 characters/letters.
  • Should be unique from others.
  • Should contain only one keyword.


The links of any specific post of your website is called permalinks.Google shows your searches according to permalink.This is also a very important to increase traffic.Always enter to the point permalink in any of your post.For example you are writing an article named as "Learn 5 SEO tricks to gain traffic." This is post title of your article or post.Now the other thing is how to set the permalink.When you enter the title in title bar then an automatically link will be shown below the title.This link is your post link also called as permalink.Automatically link is same as your post title but you have to change it for good traffic.


Post Title: Learn 5 SEO tricks to gain traffic.
Automatic permalink will be build this type: (Don't use this.)
Manual make a good permalink as:      (use this type of permalink)
Always choose short permalink.Your permalink not be more than 4 words after the name of your website.And main focus keyword must be in your permalink.


  • Should not be more than four word permalink.
  • Use a useful link.
  • Should contain your focus keyword.

Search Description:

Description of any specific post to show the search engine that what kind of post your are writing is called Search Description or post description or meta description of your Post.Search Description is also an important to get rank in search engines.Always use related keywords just like your focus keywords in description so that more users can reach to your website.
See below image for Understanding.
Post Title, Permalinks and Search Description SEO Topic-8
According to above image you can see i am searching for SEO Tutorials in Google. Google shows those website in top in which SEO tutorials word use in post title, permalink and search description.
It means Google catch your search keywords according to these three important things.

Must Remember While writing Search Description:

  • Your description should be useful and completely describe the post in few words.
  • Not write more than 150 characters/letters.
  • Should contains related keywords in your post description.
  • Should be relevant to the post.
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