Keywords and Keyword Density Full SEO Topic-9

Keywords and Keyword Density Full SEO Topic-9
Keywords plays an important role in search engine's very important to describe any post of any website and to gain the traffic.In the topic we are going to discus about keywords and keyword density.

What is keyword?

A word or a group of words to describe a specific post in SEO is called keyword.When you are searching for something actually you are using a keyword to search something from search engines.Keywords are very important for website ranking.When you are starting a new website, you have to choose a best name of your website.This name also a keyword of your website.A group of more than two words to describe a specific post or page is called phase keyword.

What is keyword Density?

The percentage of keywords according to number of total words of an article is called keyword density.This is very important for an seo rich article,Lets discus the limit of Density.

What is the Limit of Keyword Density?

Limit is very important thing for every work because every work having a specific limit.Keywords density limit is 3% according to number of words.It means in 100 words article you can use three time your Key-word.If you exceed this percentage limit then it's bad for your website SEO. Also Don't revise your focus keyword's again and again in your article because it's bad Search engine optimization for your website.
For example a person having limit to eat 2 apple at the same time.But he eat 5 apple at once what should be the result? Definitely it cause of food poisoning and may be that person will be die due to over eating.Remember same thing while writing your website post or articles so that Search engine should not consider your website as a Dead.
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