Blue Tick Mark on Facebook ID 2016 Trick

Blue Tick Mark on Facebook ID 2016 Trick
Hey guys! Everyone wants to make a Facebook ID with blue tick.It's very simple an easy to get a blue tick on your Facebook Profile.Actually blue tick on any profile is indicate that the person who is using this ID is original.So, your friends and followers will increase by this blue tick mark id.For this tricks you need an original pic/images of your CNIC,Passport,Driving licence or any other Government issued document for your Proof (Only one proof is enough). Let's follow the steps below.

Steps: Blue Tick Mark on Facebook ID 2016 Trick

  • Login to your original F.B account to get an Facebook Approved profile with blue tick.
  • Go to the following link by click here.
  • After opening the required link you can see the following options:
    i.    New first name
    ii.   New first name
    iii.  Choose One
    iv.   Upload File.
    change name on facebook
  • Enter you First name and in Last name box you have to enter your Last Name with this symbol (✅).The symbol is in brackets, don't put the brackets in Last name just enter the symbol after the last name.
    bluck tick fb account
  • After that you can see an option "Pick One." Here you have yo give the reason why you are sending name change request.So, just click on pick one and select "Others."
  • Now upload an Image of you proof (CNIC,Passport,Driving licence or any other Government issued document) for Facebook.And then click on Send button.
You have successfully send the request for name change with blue tick.After 24 hours you can see your Facebook Profile name will be marked with blue tick.
Note: If you don't see any changes with your name, then try again with same process.Sometimes you requests don't reach to the Facebook team.So, don't hesitate to send again.Share if you like this article.

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