How to Verify Facebook Page with Blue Tick 2016

How to Verify Facebook Page with Blue Tick 2016

All we know that Facebook is an number of social media website all over the world.Billions of people having their own Facebook Account as well as Facebook Page for their website, business, News or entertainment.So mostly peoples want to verify their Facebook page with blue Tick to get trust of peoples.Today i will explain the method, "How to Verify Facebook Page with Blue Tick 2016."Their are many benefits to get verify Facebook page with blue tick badge.
This blue Tick badge is a sign of trust for your Page.When peoples see this tick in your F.B page they consider it's an official page of any website,company or a big brand.So, to grow your business you need to verify F.B page to get more trust and fans.Now a days without social media, online business cannot be get success.

Why You Need to Verify Facebook Page

All we know that Facebook is an free social media website and every one can make their own account without showing any identification or CNIC. So every one can also make a duplicate name page within few minutes.To cheat the other  people, some People can also make the same name F.B page that you have or that is your own business.So, to stay safe your own fans and visitors you have to verify your Facebook page.When you will verify your Page then no one can make fools to making an fake page with the same name of your Facebook Page.So this was the big reason to get verification on your F.B page.Without verification your page have no value in the eyes of people.

Benefits of Verification

  • When your Facebook page get verified then people will trust on your F.b Page and within short time many peoples automatically attract and like your page.And your page will become a brand page in few months.
  • No one can cheat other peoples to making a fake page with the same name of your verified page.
  • When your fans and following will increase, automatically your business website users will also increase and that cause your business grow very fast.

Important Requirements before apply Verification

  1. Make your Facebook page name unique and real according to your business or work.
  2. Fill all the information about your page in about section of your control panel of F.B page.
  3. Enter your official business website if your have.If your don't have a website, don't worry it;'s not important field of  verification.
  4. You have to submit proof to Facebook that you are make the F.B page about your own property not for a fake property.
These are important factor that you should have to do before apply for verification.Let's start verification method.

Steps: How to Verify Facebook Page with Blue Tick 2016

  • Login to your Facebook account in which you are created your Page for verification.And then go to the Following Link.
    Click Here
  • After clicking above link, if you will see, "Sorry, this page isn't available" then don't worry your currently country don't allows you to submit application for verification Page.
    Facebook tricks 2016
  • Now you have to set proxy to change your browser location.Always try to choose United States of United Kingdom proxy for your web browser.When you will set a specific proxy in your web browser then again click on above link to see the verification form.
  • You will see the following Facebook verification form.
    Facebook page verify form
  • Here first of all you have to select your page which you want to verify.Because may be you have more than one page in your profile.So always choose the right page which you want to get verified blue tick Badge.After that click on "Choose file" to upload picture for giving a Proof to Facebook choose a National CNIC,Birth Certificate, Passport, Driving license etc so that they will confirm that you are the owner of this property.Then if you have your own website, enter this website in URL zone and click on Send button.
    Verify facebook page free 2016
You have successfully applied for Facebook page verification.Now wait for 24 to 48 hours, Facebook mill approved your application and an small blue tick will appear just beside the corner of your Page profile picture.This tick shows you have a brand page.Good Luck.

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