How to Create Social content Locker in Blogger Post

How to Create Social content Locker in Blogger Post

Blogger is the best and most popular free blogging platform all over the Bloggers there are many features and tricks that helps you to make you blog good looking and great.Today i am going to share another useful trick for blogger users, that is "How to Create Social content Locker in Blogger Post."
First of all the question is that,what is social content locker? I'ts a great feature for post in which you can lock specific picture,videos,link,audio or a specific text file or area with social media locker.When a person like your post on share media i.e Facebook,Twitter Or Google+ then that locked area will be visible to that person.It's a great trick to rank your website in social media and get more traffic from social media to overall rank you website. let's follow the step to learn How to add Social content Locker in Blogger blog.

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Steps: How to Create Social content Locker in Blogger Post

  • First of all login to blogger account and go to the "Template" option in the left sidebar of your Blogger dashboard.Here you have to click on "Edit HTML."
  • Now click anywhere in the HTML codes of your blogger template and press "CTRL+F" button from your computer keyboard.You will see an little search box will appear in the top right sidebar of your html codes.
  • In the search box type </head> and click enter.Now you have to copy following java scripts codes and paste just below the </head>.
  • In these codes just replace the following links with your won links
    twitter: {url:”“},
    facebook: {url:”“},
    google: {url:”“},
  • Now click on Save templates.Your blogger templates have been saved.Now you have successfully installed social content locker in your blogger blog.Now you have to insert this locker in any of your Post.
  • Now you have to put below codes in html of your desired post in which your want to insert Social content locker.

    social content locker in blogger post
  • In these codes you have to replace "– ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE –" with your image, link,videos or audio or any other file which you want to lock.And then publish your Post.
You have successfully insert Social content locker post in your blog.If you like this article please share with your friends and social media.If any type of help you need, don't hesitate to comment here.I will try to resolve your problem.

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