SEO Starts before Website Learn Full SEO topic-1

SEO Starts before Website Learn Full SEO topic-1

This is my First topic of SEO training.Here i am going to teach you full search engine optimization.You can Learn full SEO free of cost.Keep visiting us.lets start our first topic.

SEO Starts before Website

According to me, SEO start before you create your website.It's just like an business example.For example you are going to start an business.First of all you will plan about your business that what kind of business you are going to start.Same as when you start plan to built a website at the same time the SEO of your website is started.
First point is that you have to think what king of website you are going to built.If you start a website about Computer and actually you are not an computer expert then your plan is not good.Before everything you have to plan what kind of website you can be managed.

Topic Selection

Before start your website you have to select a proper Topic for your website.You must be select a strong topic before develop your website.Without a strong topic website can never get audience.Topic selection is the base of SEO. Here I am giving you some Important and helpful tips about topic selection.
  1. Select a topic in which you have Knowledge.Always select that topic in which you are expert .Don't select those topic in which you are not expert.
  2. Select a topic in which you have already worked in,Try to select that topic in which you have some experience and ideas.
  3. Select a popular topic yo gain user traffic.Don't select those kid of topic that peoples are not search for.Always try to select a popular topic so that your website become popular as soon as possible.
  4. Select a topic in which your friends can help you.It's a bonus idea if you select that kind of topic in which you are also know minimum and your friends have also knowledge about that topic.
  5. Choose a topic in which you can write content in that topic.Don't select that kind of topic in which you cannot write any thing.More content is cause of more audience for your website.Always try to choose topic in which you will easily create content.
This was our first lecture about SEO. Share with your friends if you like it.And for any kind of help don't hesitate to contact with me.

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