How to Add Meta Tags in Blogger

How to Add Meta Tags in Blogger

Blogger is an biggest source of free blogging all over the world.Mostly new members start blogging from bloggers.Peoples are not known that how to set meta keywords is blogger.Meta Tags are the most important part of SEO and ranking in search engines.Meta keywords and descriptions helps you to gain your visitors.
Actually these tags tells the google bots that what type of content that you have in your website or blog.When a bot comes to see your website from any search engine, it will see your Meta Tags and will index your website,These tags are cause he rank of your website.Follow some easy steps Learn.

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Steps: How to Add Meta Tags in Blogger

  • Login to your blogger account and open your dashboard of your blogger account.
  • Go "Template" option that is appear at the end of left sidebar of your Dashboard.Now click edit templates.
  • Click anywhere in template and type "CTRL+F" from your keyboard.A search box will appears in the right top corner of your HTML codes.
  • Type <head> and press enter to fine the Head tag of your blogger template.
  • Paste the following codes just after your <head> tag
  • In Title Tag you have to enter your blog title.In description Tag your have to enter the description of your blog.And in keywords tag you have to enter the keywords of your Blog,

Title, Description and Keywords Guide.

Title: Your Title should be Four words.Your title contains Name of your website.
Description: Description will describe your website content that what kind of content your website have.When google bot come to your site it will read your website description while indexing your website.So website description is very important for indexing and google ranking.Your website description should be 140 words/letters.You have to write about your website content be carefully.
Keywords:Keyword are also very important for ranking and indexing.Type keywords about your website for increase more traffic in your website.Keywords are not important for google ranking but other search engines like Yahoo , Bing etc still read your website keywords.

You have successfully Add Meta Tags in your blogger blog.If your Like this Article then Share with your Friends.For any help Don't hesitate to Contact me.

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